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In today’s world, focusing on your mental health and wellness has never been more important.
Taking control of that space can be as simple as implementing small actions that can turn into lifelong healthy habits. It may feel overwhelming on where to start, but we’ve got a helpful checklist to get you going! What will you be adding to your routine?
Get those 8 hours in
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep is imperative when it comes your mental health. When you enter REM sleep, the brain can begin processing information and make an overall impact on how think and feel in the day ahead.
Stay active
Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and even negative moods. Whether that be walking, cycling, or yoga, find an activity you enjoy to release those endorphins! Yes, dancing to your favorite song on repeat counts!
Putting pen to paper can help clear your mind and prevent you from holding onto negativity. Journaling about the day and how you’re feeling can make room in your mind for more of what you want to focus on. Additionally, starting a gratitude journal may be a great way to remind yourself of the good and not the stressors of the day.
Connect with someone
Social interactions with friends and family can fill our cups. Whether it is confiding in someone you trust or discussing everyday life, connecting with someone can make all the difference in how we feel.
Take a break
We get it. Between work, home and social lives, it can be tough to step away and give yourself time to recharge. Give yourself permission to do something you may not deem ‘productive.’ Sometimes watching your favorite show or flipping through a magazine is just what you need to feel anew.
Be mindful
Are you spending time with someone and thinking of the long to-do list? Thinking ahead and/or focusing on a plethora of tasks can be overwhelming and take us away from enjoying the now. We encourage you to be mindful of the moment you’re in and appreciate the person or activity.
Learn to say no
No one wants to disappoint, but learning the word ‘no,’ can be a powerful tool in prioritizing your mental health. Saying no to that after work happy hour or gathering can make all the difference in how you’re feeling. Remember, take that break when you need it.
Do a digital detox
With today’s technology, we’ve never been more connect. Social media can be draining and damaging to your mental health if you’re endlessly scrolling and comparing yourself to someone’s highlight reel. Stepping away from the screen can shift your focus and mindset. Everyone needs a reset!
Start a routine
Looking to incorporate intentional movement or a set bedtime into your daily routine? Not only can daily routines put us in a healthy mindset, they can help us cement those healthy habits. It takes some time before a habit becomes automatic, but including the activity in your daily routine can help get you on the right track.
Talk with a professional
If you feel like you’re in need of more guidance or tools to be in your best spot mentally, connect with a professional. Whether it be tele visits or in-person sessions, it has never been easier to reach someone to help.